Published Books

  • Breaking the Stress Habit: A Modern Guide to One-Minute Stress Management, 1987

  • 60-Second Stress Management: The Quickest Way to Relax and Ease Anxiety (2 editions), 1993, 2004 (also published in 6 languages)

  • The Complete Medical School Preparation & Admissions Guide, 2000

  • Stress Management Workshop Kit, 2000

  • In the Name of Science: A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research & Human Experimentation, 2003

  • Thinking Your Way to Better Health: How to Use the Mind-Body Connection for Health and Self-Healing, 2008

  • Making a Valedictorian: A Student, Teacher, and Parent Guide to Study Skills and Lifelong Learning, 2012

  • Mind-Body Health & Healing: Using the Power of the Brain to Prevent Disease, 2014

  • The New Medical School Preparation & Admissions Guide (5 editions), 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021, 2025

  • Stress, Disease & the Mind-Body Connection, 2024

  • How Anyone Can Learn Anything: An Expert Guide to Study Skills, Creativity, Test-Taking and Lifelong Learning

  • World Order, 1999

  • Rivers of the Black Moon, 2024

If you have any questions or comments about my work, please contact me